Weekend challenge: change the world by elevating your beliefs!

A reflection of an inspiring presentation by Oscar Rosa of soul.com

Eline Buijs
transforming companies into communities


“Oh yes, it’s Friday! Work hard, play hard! The coming two days are ours to do whatever we desire most. Time to escape from the rat race of work… to live our dreams…. “

This Friday morning — Oscar Mendez Rosa, co-founder of soul.com — presented at the first Meaningful Morning Breakfast at Social Impact Factory Utrecht. The subject: collective prosperity. The most important question: how can we make a change? Here’s what he had to say:

“Our world is facing tremendous problems.
We probably won’t have to tell you about the scarcity of resources. About the gap between rich and poor. About the inequality between men and women. We all know, but none of us feels the power to make it disappear. Although the harsh reality is: a few people won’t be able to fix what others have broken.”

“We cannot keep believing the economy is something outside of us.”

Oscar Mendez Rosa @ Impact Factory Utrecht

“We cannot keep believing the economy is something outside of us. A mess the millennials will have to clean up.
We cannot keep ignoring our responsibility for the way we earn our money and how we spend it. No, to make the world work for 100% of humanity, we need people to make it happen. Not just a handful, but masses of people.”

So how can we start making a change?
Oscar explained the vision of soul.com: “We have learned that changing our beliefs makes the difference. Our beliefs shape the way we act. So what would happen if we started believing humans are noble instead of egoistic? Or born to contribute instead to consume alone? Or to be generous instead of being competitive? What if we begin to think happiness doesn’t start on Friday at 5 PM and ends on Monday at 9 AM?”

All change starts with personal initiative, without this, nothing happens.
“We at soul.com believe all human beings on this planet have the right and the responsibility to play their role in this fantastic enterprise. We invite you to challenge our and your own ideas. To figure out what you stand for, what it is you believe.
So, let’s take some time this weekend to challenge the way we see the world. And start taking ownership of our own destiny. ”

Let’s help each other and share our ideas!
“Share your beliefs with your colleagues, friends and family. Blog about them or leave them in a comment below. Together we can build the capacity we need for collective prosperity. Which means no more and no less than to make the world work for 100% of humanity.”

One of the places to start making a change is ofcourse our workplace.

Every month, people from around the world come together in a webinar to explore themes relevant to bringing positive change at the workplace. We welcome you to join one of our free live webinars to help you start making meaningful change: https://soul.com/change-your-workplace-webinar/

